Find Untapped Value In Unstructured Data
Who We Are
Experts in AI solutions
What We Do
Find untapped value in unstructured data
Results We Provide
100X for 1/10th the cost

Welcome to Speciate AI

We help companies find untapped value in unstructured data by analyzing millions of data points from public and private sources, media, interactions with customers and exchanges with employees. Our analysis helps identify leading indicators of company performance, find white space for innovation, prioritize new features and designs, set the right price, launch successful products, improve customer experience, and monitor quality without tedious and costly data integration.

Our Solutions

Explore our portfolio of solutions to find out how we provide unique insights using unstructured data and interactions with customers and employees.

More Insightful

More Actionable

More Effective
Focus Groups

More Productivity
For Your

Product Signals

Analysis of customer feature sentiment and opinions about your product, competitor products and pricing


Video, photo, audio and text feedback from our network of Product Enthusiasts via our mobile app

Company Signals

Report analyzing company sentiment to identify leading indicators of company performance and risks

Custom Solutions

Applications of AI customized to solve your specific business problems

Industry Category Signals

Discover what customers are saying about product and service categories in your industry. We analyze multiple data sources to find white-space, identify trending features, evaluate pricing and provide unbiased views of customers.




Click to see our industry category reports to see how we create untapped value with unstructured data

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